A Web Application using Django-code shoppy

A Web Application using Django

This project revolves around the usage of a web page and its functionalities. Web has been one of the greatest gifts to mankind and we intend to use its fruitful part too. This project inculcates the usage of Python, HTML, Django and Bootstrap. It is designed to facilitate multiple domains of knowledge from a single place as it is often seen that information is highly specific and found only at their respective domain holders. With this project we sought to bridge the gap between different kinds of beneficiaries of knowledge. This platform will facilitate all sort of knowledge from all sort of domains like Travel, Information Sciences, Tech Advancements, Politics to name a few. The availability of platforms like Django, Bootstrap has not only made the process really timesaving but also hassle free. UNO is to be spoken as You Know? to implicate a wave of curiosity among its users as after all it gives answers to their questions.On Road Vehicle breakdown

django project

This web application is supposed to feature a wide domain and global applications. From the world of technology to the vast remains of history and the travelogues all around the world sewed at one place. It will also support multi-lingual features and sections. A separate section for current discount coupons and offers from various websites will also be incorporated. Blogs are supposed to be a very descriptive informative view of a particular experience or a problem and with the advancement of modern era they are one of the most vital places of thorough information from someone experienced.Agri Shop for django project

Django is a web framework written in Python. A web framework is a software that supports the development of dynamic websites, applications, and services. It provides a set of tools and functionalities that solves many common problems associated with web development, such as security features, database access, sessions, template processing, URL routing, internationalization, localization, and much more.



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